Did you know?
*** Each year the average American spends more than 100 hours commuting.
*** Aside from traffic accidents while commuting, falling from heights is the No. 1 cause of death at work (19%). Being struck by moving or falling objects accounts for 17% of work fatalities.
*** 80% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs.
*** Women make only 77.5 cents for every dollar that men earn.
*** 64% of Americans canceled vacations last year. One-third did it for work-related reasons even though most felt they were more in need of a vacation than the year before.
*** Nearly half of America has gained weight at their current job; 28% have gained more than 10 lbs, 13% have gained more than 20 lbs.
*** There isn't much job security. On average, Americans hold seven to eight different jobs before age 30.
*** More than 13 million working days are lost every year because of stress-related illnesses.
*** The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime.
*** Couples in which one partner spends 10+ hours more than usual at work divorce at twice the average rate.
*** 25% of employees say work is their main source of stress and 40% say their job is "very or extremely stressful".
*** More than 13 million working days are lost every year because of stress-related illnesses.
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SOURCE: Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/disturbing-facts-about-your-…
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