Saturday, June 13, 2015

Vision or Motivational Board

Need more motivation? Create a board with inspiring quotes so you remember why you started! Remember, the best way to start a successful day is with a positive attitude. ‪#‎StrongForSummer‬ Do you use either of these?? i need to put my vision board together. never thought about a motivational one thou
Friday, June 12, 2015

Best Kept Secret

shhhhhhh, the best kept secret heart emoticon

i believe everyone deserves this freedom.

#MotherDaughter #StayAtHomeGlamma #SAHMboss #askmehow
Thursday, June 11, 2015

21 Day fix Challenge/Journey

Looks what's on special this month! :)  21 days of portioned control eating and 30 minute workouts! You can not go wrong with this!  I will be starting this on June 29th. I am starting a  weight loss journey for a healthier me (and my son's wedding on Oct. 3rd.) Who wants to join me on my journey??? Comment for more details
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Beachbody Sale

TWICE a year, Beachbody does a big blowout sale where select products, programs, and more are up to 85% off! 😳
TODAY the sale starts & will run through the 17th!
ALL sales will be live by NOON PST so hold your horses BUT these sell out fast so make sure you lock in what you want!! 
Les Mills PUMP & Combat, Insanity Asylum, Brazil Butt Lift, and more!! 💪🏼
Here's the link to check out all items!!
Click SHOP then find the SUMMER SALE tab!
Then message me so we can start this journey together
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

21 Day Fix Challenge

Stephanie just keeps going and going! Check out her transformation and continued journey. It all started with a 21 day challenge. Why not you too? Message me for more details on how you too can begin your health and fitness journey!


There is another way!!

There is another way!
Tradition teaches us to work 40 - 45 years to try to save $1.0 million in a 401(k) or IRA nest egg. Then when we are 65 we are to start pulling out 4% per year, $40,000 or $3,300 per month to live off of in our golden years.
We love to teach people how to work 2 - 5 years at any point in their life to create residual income of $2,000 to $10,000 a month and retire in their 20's, 30's 40's!
Want to learn how we're doing it?
Do you like to help others? Do you like to be a part of a community that is uplifting and positive? Do you want to be your OWN boss and create a life of freedom to do what you want, when you want, and with whom you want?
I am looking to mentor 3 amazingly awesome people in the month of June. People who are sick and tired of working for someone else's dream.
Comment below with your email if you are interested in learning how you too can be your OWN boss!
Monday, June 8, 2015

Drink A Shake

Just curious. If I told you I could teach you how to drink a shake...

would you say - that's wack, Tina??!! Because everybody knows how to drink a shake, right?! Duhhh! 

Well, what if I told you I could teach you how to get paid to drink a shake? 

Not just any shake, though. The world's healthiest shake. Or, as I like to call it .. #myAbMaker. Chocolatey Goodness + Healthy + Paid = tastes like money to me! #SorryNotSorry

The Top 8 Benefits of This Shake

1. This shake lowers your risk of heart disease and diabetes. It significantly lowers your blood pressure and blood sugar levels because its ingredients are rich in antioxidants and rank low on the glycemic index scale. Thus, with a glycemic index rating of just 24, the Shakeology meal replacement shake increases your levels of glycogen and allows more fat to be burned. As a result, heart disease is prevented and your blood sugar and insulin levels are kept stable without dangerous spikes or crashes.

2. This shake keeps your immune system healthy. With green and red “superfoods” like Goji berry, Acai berry, Camu-camu, and wheatgrass, Shakeology helps to combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals which threaten to wreck havoc on our bodies and contribute to the aging process. Oxidative stress is the culprit behind many degenerative diseases like cancer and arthritis.

3. It promotes digestive health.This shake has prebiotics that promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut, helping to improve digestive function. Thanks to this shake, your bowel movement becomes more regular, ensuring that your body gets rid of the garbage that it does not need. Disease is prevented as a result, and some participants of an independent study on the efficacy of this shake have reported that they have weaned themselves off their colitis medications.

4. This shake helps to promote muscle growth and development, and it facilitates the faster healing of wounds. It has proteins and amino acids from whole food sources that ensure quicker muscle repair and the formation of new muscles.

5. It helps with those trying to lose weight. Because this shake cleanse frees the body of toxins, it brings back the body’s state of equilibrium. As a result, the system can now function more efficiently to further get rid of excess weight. Moreover, since it has a low glycemic index rating and is nutrient-dense, this beverage reduces cravings significantly, preventing you from unnecessary snacking.

6. This shake promotes mental clarity and focus. It also reduces the incidence of migraines and headaches in those who suffer from these conditions chronically.

7. Drinking this shake contributes to healthier skin, nails and hair. Hair is more lustrous, skin is smoother, and nails become stronger by just drinking one glass a day. This can be attributed to this shake's protein and amino acid content.

8. The last of the benefits we’ll cover are overall feelings of wellness and increased energy, attributable to its vitamin and mineral content. Many people have reported significant increases in their energy levels after adding this shake to their diet.

Did I mention that they pay me to #drinkAshake? Have you ever considered getting #paid2drink?

#GetYOURdrinkON #DrinkAndDrive#WorkSMART #DrinkByThePool#PaidDrinker #WorkFun #Work2Go#LocationIndependentIncome #JustAsk